I enjoyed this track. nice energy and vibe.
i agree that 1:45 was a pleasant experience for me as well.
I enjoyed this track. nice energy and vibe.
i agree that 1:45 was a pleasant experience for me as well.
The bass slide thing happens twice. Where's Waldo.
nice, sounds professional
dis track has some nice personality, especially in the use of the different non-diatonic notes
FANX, Piggums!
noice. this sounds professional fo sho. reminds me of barely alive or a lot of stuff on a going quantum podcast.
really late to this beat i'm feeling this one.
lounging hard
Glad you caught it
this track is nice. it has a real sass to it u know.
first heard it in gamer poop and had to find it.
i think this is real cool stufff. nice three sections there, the last one had nice chord choices or whatever. very very nice. it is pretty Miscellaneous tho lol.
Thank you
i like dis. it is teh funkiness. nice story thing happening. idk y u had the piano be so warm/no hi frequencies. anyway i just enjoyed it thuroughly.
Thanks for the feedback. I kinda get what you mean with the lack of hi frequencies for the piano, but in combination with all of the echos and vibraphone action, it just felt right. I'm going to try and mix it up a bit for the next track.
this is quite pleasant. only complaint is the bassline sounds cheezy for some reason. and its repetetive but who am i to complain.
Haha well thank you for the feedback :)
The I was trying to make something very simple and thats what i ended up with xD
Ya my biggest thing I have had to work on with my music is trying to not make things very repetitive :P
But again thank you for your feed back criticism is welcome
more of my tracks available on soundcloud, bandcamp, and youtube. all named piggemz. im a financially desperate not-teenager who will do moose stuff for food. I write almost exclusively on Ableton Live nowadays. Used to use Finale notepad a lot.. thend
Age 32, Male
Joined on 10/23/11