truly an impressive animation. everything looked totally legit yo. all the apps and internet stuff, and its very well animated obviously. really tasteful amount of music, live action and talking as well.
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truly an impressive animation. everything looked totally legit yo. all the apps and internet stuff, and its very well animated obviously. really tasteful amount of music, live action and talking as well.
this was a kind of nice premise. idk, the voice acting sounded like you guys are 7. that is the wimpiest chuck norris i've ever heard. anyway i just think it could have been better..
i DID enjoy that he got the 9th page though. i didnt laugh at this cartoon. slender isnt scary or interesting by the way. anyone who makes cartoons about slender is a completely unoriginal sheep.
seriouslay, i caint save my bot pattern like that other feller said. fixitnow
kind of too hard and too easy. too hard if you try to fight the monsters, and too easy once you realize you can simply bypass pretty much all of them. also there are some glitches and bad a.i. that walks into lava and kills itself. got to what i assume is the final boss even though i didnt beat it, and i know i just said its too easy but i dont feel like playing through again especially when that fight gets extremely laggy. anywho thanks for using my track i do appreciate it. and blow me to the guy who said the music couldn't be more annoying
strangely fun game about the best animal in existence. not too amazing though...
my high score is 34566 for my second playthrough, is that good?
I enjoyed this track. nice energy and vibe.
i agree that 1:45 was a pleasant experience for me as well.
The bass slide thing happens twice. Where's Waldo.
nice, sounds professional
dis track has some nice personality, especially in the use of the different non-diatonic notes
FANX, Piggums!
this is a pretty nice picto. i dont think the face looks like him tho. i can tell its him cuz of his features such as outfit and helmet head of his brother behind him but im just pretty put off by dat face.
fav part is the aura behind him.
Thanks for the Critique! I will try to change it a bit to make it look more like him.
lol funny idea and well drawn. silly elf, forgetting that the leaves wont stick back on. #_#
lol yeah .. he's still cute that way though.
and thankyou ^^
more of my tracks available on soundcloud, bandcamp, and youtube. all named piggemz. im a financially desperate not-teenager who will do moose stuff for food. I write almost exclusively on Ableton Live nowadays. Used to use Finale notepad a lot.. thend
Age 32, Male
Joined on 10/23/11